Friday, March 6, 2009

How to Stop Dipping and Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco

Stop Dipping and Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco Stop Dipping and Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco
There are many reasons and benefits to stop dipping and to stop using smokeless tobacco to get your quick fix. While it may seem like quitting dipping is impossible there are many ways that you can help yourself, your health, and the health of family and friends by stopping the use of smokeless tobacco or other similar dipping products. Start now and read on to learn how to stop dipping and how to quit dipping and smokeless tobacco.


First, to quit dipping you have to be dedicated to quitting and be mentally prepared to enter treatment.
Next, you will have to build a support system and read reviews of various quit smokeless tobacco products. You can read up on the heath concern issues to motivate yourself.
Finally, take it day by day and realize each day without smokeless tobacco, chew, or dip is a victory. Check the resources below for more information on how to quit dipping.

How to Quit Smoking Today

If I told you that you could quit smoking today, chances are that you would respond with a smirk and a quick "Yeah, right...." Cigarettes have been determined to be one of the most addictive drugs today, yet packs and cartons still line the shelves at stores around the nation, even the world! Once a smoker learns about the dangers associated with smoking, see a loved one suffer from the effects of smoking, or even start to feel the effects that it has on them, usually, their goal is to quit. There are many products on the market today that claim to assist in this endeavor, yet those same people are still smoking! If you want to quit smoking today, it is essential that you read on....


You will not want to spend a lot of money on various types of medicines,and other products out there that promise that you can quit smoking.
It is important to select a product that will not subject you to introducing more toxins into your system with toxins and certain types
of foods within a specified diet.
You do not want a program where you just read a book and do what they say.You want an interactive program that can really support you in your
goals to quit smoking.

How to quit smoking poisonious cigarettes forever

This how to article is about, my experience quitting smoking, and starting up again. Giving the experience with quitting smoking like I never smoked or liked to and the knowledge to prevent the error that can be overcome.


Step one: Getting church worthy. Figure that you are not doing good on your own by smoking, because the fact is smoking cigarettes is a fools habit..It is a decision to a slow ruin of oneself, or it is a fast one. So being it of worth to think that "I can am not doing so good without church" is what is going to help.
Step two: You stop buying cigarettes and you practice being a leader for all to come to a better of themselves by being more good.
Step Three: Go to church to be helped.
Continue to go if needed.

How to Quit Smoking3

How to Quit Smoking
So many people have become smokers and now wish to become ex-smokers. Again and again they have either tried to quit smoking and failed, or successfully quit, only to relapse again. Sound familiar? Here are some helpful tips from a former smoker to get you on the track to quitting -- for good!


Prepare youself for your potential quitting. Pick a Quit Day and mark it on your calender so you can see it.
Make a list of reasons WHY you WANT to quit. Is it for health reasons? The smell? The loss of control over your life? Jot it all down. Remember, you CAN'T quit successfully unless you're doing it for YOURSELF!
Talk to your doctor if you don't know which method of quitting will be the best for you. You can either attempt to quit cold turkey (just suddenly stopping), use Chantix (a pill prescribed by a doctor to block nicotine receptors in the brain), try the Patch (an adhesive patch you place on your body that slowly dispenses Nicotine through your system; gradually the grams of nicotene lessen), or try Nicorette Gum (gum with small amounts of nicotene to help fight cravings).
Once you have chosen a way to quit, read all information (packetts that come with the pill, gum, or patch) thoroughly to ensure proper useage.
BEFORE your Quit Day, go through your car, home, etc. and THROW OUT any old packs of cigarettes, lighters, matches, and ashtrays -- anything that might trigger an urge later. Clean your car if you smoked in it.
Your Quit Day -- Begin on the day you chose. It WON'T BE EASY. But if you have willpower you can fight the urge to smoke. Cravings WILL pass within minutes. Distract yourself by getting up and going for a walk, chew gum/candy, do some chores, or exercise. Anything to get your mind away from the desire to light up.
If you slip up within the first day(s), DON'T BE DISCOURAGED. It probably will happen if this is your first attempt to quit. Run that new pack of cigarettes under water and TOSS THEM OUT. Try again! You can do it!
Be prepared for symptoms of withdrawal: tingling in hands/feet, cold symptoms (as sinuses and lungs begin to clear out all the icky stuff you've inhaled!), sweating, nausea, headaches, concentration problems, irritability, insomnia, and/or anxiety. Sounds tough, and it is, but these symptoms DO GO AWAY and they by far outweigh the risks of smoking.
Just remember you can do this! The first few days will be the toughest. Join an online support group if you need to, or talk to friends and family for support and encouragement.
Again, keep at it. You CAN fight and win this battle. Just remind yourself why you're quitting and the benefits of a healthier you! Your sense of smell with improve, your sense of taste, too. You will breathe better, have more energy due to increased oxygen, and cut the risks for cancer.

How to Quit Smoking2

How to Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking can be a challenge. But don't despair. Here's a few tips to help you beat the cancer-causing habit for good.


Reduce the amount you smoke:

If you are a two pack a day smoker, gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by 2-5 cigarettes a day.
Change your routine:

If you usually smoke a cigarette when you first wake up or with a cup of coffee, drink a glass of juice instead or skip the coffee until later without the cigarette.
Spend time with family or friends:

Find a support group with the same goals as yours. Play board games or do other family activities when the desire to smoke arises.
Break the autonomous response of holding a cigarette:

Besides their addictive qualities, cigarettes have a habit forming quality. Mimic the habit of smoking a cigarette with licorice or a peppermint stick. Chew gum during your usual smoking time.
Stick with it:

Do not return to your old ways. Preventing Lung Cancer and the extra money in your pockets on payday are more valuable than starting up the habit again.

How to Quit Smoking With the Great American Smokeout

Quit smoking for good! Quit smoking for good!
A tradition that dates back to the 1970's, the Great American Smokeout has helped millions of people to quit smoking, for at least one day. Traditionally celebrated the third Thursday in November, the Great American Smokeout invites others to join the one-third of America's 46 million smokers to quit smoking for 24 hours. Many have used this day as a jumping off point to quit smoking for life.


Mark your quit smoking day on your calendar, the third Thursday of November if you're doing it on The Great American Smokeout. Be sure to tell all of your family and friends about your attempt so they can come along side and support you.
Prepare yourself to quit smoking so you will not be tempted. Get rid of all of your cigarettes and ashtrays in your car and at home. Stock up on oral substitutes, such as sugarless gum, carrot sticks, ice, or hard candies.
Make a plan. Decide whether you will use nicotine substitutes, or attend a quit smoking class. Practice saying, "No, thank you. I don't smoke." Think about past attempts, what helped before and what didn't.
Create a support system to help you quit. This could be Nicotine Anonymous, or a friend or family member who has successfully stopped smoking. Ask your friends and family who still smoke to kindly not do it around you.
Participate in the fun events put on by the American Cancer Society during the Great American Smokeout. Some past events include getting a free 'cold turkey' sandwich when you turn in at least half a pack of cigarettes, giant obstacle courses made of over sized cigarettes, or seminars by celebrities who have quit smoking.
The rules of the Great American Smokeout are simple: Quit smoking for 24 hours. Use this as a starting point to help you quit for life. There will be plenty of cheering you on and others doing it with you to get you off to a great start. Make some new 'non-smoking' friends and help each other to quit for good.

How to Get Help to Quit Smoking and why

How to Get Help to Quit Smoking and why
Smoking is one of the most habit forming addition in the world. The nicotine found in smoking makes it very hard to stop, if you do not have will power and really want to stop then you may need help. Cigarettes Smoking Causes heart disease, emphysema, shortens life, damage organs, yellow teeth, osteoporosis, damage blood supply, brain cells, and many other health problems.


It is reported that over a Half million people die each year from smoking related deaths, some are due to heart disease.
Smoking causes emphysema, which will destroy the lungs
It causes poisoning to the entire body, and kills many cells, that can never be replace.
After many years of smoking it can cause organ damage.
Your body may become bent over, or bones may break due to Osteoporosis.
Smoking cigarettes causes carbon monoxide to enter the blood stream to cut off oxygen to all parts of the body. It constricts blood vessels, inhibits blood from flowing within the body with oxygen, which destroys brain cells.
There are support group at 866/879-7168 (toll-free) and 1-877-44U-QUIT 24 hours a day there are many others that are willing to help, think of the long term effect on the the bpody by smoking. Your body will fell so much better when you stop smoking.

How to Find Ways to Stop Smoking

Smoking is the number one cause of many cancers and other medical conditions, as well as a strong contributor to causing medical problems for other people, especially children and the elderly from secondary smoke. It is a toxic drug that has many carcinogenic properties including addiction to the nicotine and withdrawal symptoms from quitting.

Smoking tobacco/cigarettes contributes to nearly half a million deaths each year, yet is is still so readily available on the consumer market. Tobacco/nicotine is a drug; smoking is an addiction and a conditioned behavior and possesses toxic substances that gradually destroy the body and its internal organs over time. Like any drug addiction, smoking is a habitual behavior that is hard to break, but quitting it is not impossible. Thousands of people successfully quit smoking each year.

Here are some helpful ways and available resources to help you start the process towards quitting this unhealthy habit.


A good book to read when thinking about quitting is Dr. Tom Ferguson's "The Smoker's Book of Health" which covers the 10 stages of quitting. When you think of quitting in this way, it will help you to approach the problem in a more realistic manner, since quitting smoking is a gradual step-by-step process that may last for months or even years.
When you plan your strategy for quitting tobacco, use the U.S. Surgeon General's five keys to quitting: get ready, get support and help, learn new skills and behaviors, get and use medicine and be prepared for relapse.

Get ready. Try and pick a good time to quit. Contact your doctor or local health department to find out the kinds of medicines and help available in your area for people who want to quit smoking. Telephoning help lines operated by your state can also assist you in finding information and support for quitting tobacco use.

Set a quit date and stick to it. Once you quit, don't even take a puff. Get rid of all ashtrays and lighters after your last cigarette.
Reducing smoking can prepare you to quit smoking at a later date. Methods to reduce smoking include the following:
Each week choose a few specific cigarettes to give up
Gradually increase the time between cigarettes
Limit your smoking to certain places
Reward yourself in other ways when you achieve a mini goal towards quitting the habit (e.g. you did not smoke for a week)
Keep a journal or diary to log your smoking habits and changes in your pattern of behavior, habits, difficulties and setbacks
Get a strong support network of friends, family members, healthcare professionals and therapy groups. Evidence has shown that people who have and maintain a strong support network will have a better chance of quitting the habit and staying cigarette-free for longer periods. Counseling may help you learn to recognize and cope with situations that tempt you to smoke. Counseling sessions can also offer comfort if you have a relapse.
Choose a smoking cessation program. Consult with your doctor, check with your local health department or call the national quit line at 1-800-QUITNOW for help.
Find other ways to replace your smoking habit and modify your behaviors toward a healthier, positive and quality lifestyle. For example, try to engage in more active sports or creative pursuits that will help reduce anxiety and stress. Try meditation, yoga and pilates.

One important modification is to remember that people tend to stay or mix around others who are similar to themselves, so if you want to quit smoking and stay so, then you should be around nonsmokers and people who have stopped smoking.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several medications to help people quit smoking including the following:
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
Bupropion SR (Zyban)
Varenicline (Chantix)
Nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor)
Clonidine (Catapres)

You should consult your own medical doctor or healthcare provider about quitting smoking programs, therapies and medications. The physician will discuss with you a strategy and management plan to help you best work towards kicking this nasty, unhealthy habit.

Research and evidence have shown that the combination of a smoking therapy cessation program along with counseling has a better chance of the patient quitting smoking and maintaining this status for longer periods of time, or even forever. Speak with your own medical doctor.
If it is time to try quitting smoking, then be prepared for a RELAPSE. "Rome was not built in a day" as they say. The key is to find out where the weakest points occurred and how and why, so that you can learn about it and become aware of the problem(s) and find ways to resolve it or other strategies to approach it. Keeping a smoking log or diary might be useful. The point is to give yourself some credit for trying and then attempt to again. NEVER GIVE UP. Ultimately, it is a choice you have to make for yourself. It is about your body, your health, the quality of life you want to live, your concerns for others who will be affected by your nasty, unhealthy habit such as significant others, children, family, friends, and ultimately, the price you are willing to pay for continuing it (which could also include costly medical expenses to treat illnesses and complications from secondary smoke) and even premature death!

How to Successfully Quit Smoking and using Cigarettes

How to Successfully Quit Smoking and using Cigarettes
I am not a smoker. But I have family members and friends who are. Many of them are constantly trying to quit with varying results. From observing them and from talking to others, especially those who have been successful in quitting, here’s a few tips…


One strong motivator is if you have kids. Think of your love for your kids. Then think of them growing up without you. It’s a terrible thought made worse by images of them misbehaving since you weren’t there to guide them. Think of all the holidays they will have without you.
Take a look at some “internal” pictures of lungs due to years of smoking. These lungs range in color from brown to black. Think of these lungs inside of you and how you are being slowly destroyed from the inside out.
Think of the money you spend on cigarettes and what you could have done with it. Literally sit down and determine what a pack costs, how many packs you go through in a week, and calculate what you spend in a year. It’ll probably come out to be over $1000 per year, probably even $2000 or $3000. Think of what you or your family could do with that extra money.
Definitely go see a doctor about some alternatives. Try the nicotine patches, the special gums, zyban, etc. Make sure you listen to your doctor and try different things.
Develop hobbies to help take your mind off cigarettes. Write for eHow as it is addicting to watch those earnings rise. I would consider an eHow addiction to certainly be better than cigarette addiction.
If you see someone lighting up nearby, get away from them or politely ask that person to smoke elsewhere. Don’t think that you can withstand the lure. Get away fast if you smell smoke.
Finally, look at videos of people who have learned that they have cancer and will die. In particular, try to find the video of the late Yul Brynner. He made an anti-smoking commercial once he found out that he had cancer and had such a short time to live. The look in his eyes will tell you how awful he felt that his life was slipping away and there was nothing he could do.

How to Stop Smoking1

Throw it away. Throw it away. Cold turkey is one way. This immediately starts to cleanse the nicotine, tar and other toxins related to smoking out of your body. Will power is a huge factor here. The first couple of days your body will crave the nicotine that you have become addicted too. Have faith this overwhelming urge to light a cigarette will pass. It will only takes about a week to get past the physical and chemical dependency.After this it's all mind over matter.
How many packs a day do your kids smoke. How many packs a day do your kids smoke. For those of you who can't even approach cold turkey, there is other methods. Many companies offer products like nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or even smokeless cigarettes, so that you can ween yourself from your dependency. These products may be suitable for you, but this is tourchure to you and your will power.
Running helps your lungs heal faster after you quit smoking. Running helps your lungs heal faster after you quit smoking. Some people smoke out of stress or pure boredom. If this is the case it will be a journey for you but not all is lost. Getting involved in activities that distract your attention from being bored until you are over getting a nicotine fix. Or even exercising to control stress.This small change in behavior makes a huge impact in controlling your will power.

How to Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy


The therapy treatments with the quit smoking laser are usually combined with a consultation with a therapist who is certified by the health department in tobacco intervention skills. The stop smoking laser will take care of the physical treatment, while the consultation will prepare you mentally for success.
The quit smoking laser works by causing a release of endorphins when the pulsating light is absorbed into the skin. The endorphins give a similar "rush" as a hit from a cigarette. The laser also eliminates your urge to smoke, boosts your metabolism, and relieves stress.
Within twenty minutes of your last cigarette, your body will begin to heal itself. The longer you go without a cigarette, the more time your body has to heal. After 24 hours, you will be able to smell and taste better. These small changes will be little rewards to continue your therapy.
The quit smoking laser program also includes a follow up program to ensure your success. This may include regular phone calls, emails, monthly newsletters, and an online forum to chat with other successful quitters.