I am not a smoker. But I have family members and friends who are. Many of them are constantly trying to quit with varying results. From observing them and from talking to others, especially those who have been successful in quitting, here’s a few tips…
One strong motivator is if you have kids. Think of your love for your kids. Then think of them growing up without you. It’s a terrible thought made worse by images of them misbehaving since you weren’t there to guide them. Think of all the holidays they will have without you. Step2
Take a look at some “internal” pictures of lungs due to years of smoking. These lungs range in color from brown to black. Think of these lungs inside of you and how you are being slowly destroyed from the inside out. Step3
Think of the money you spend on cigarettes and what you could have done with it. Literally sit down and determine what a pack costs, how many packs you go through in a week, and calculate what you spend in a year. It’ll probably come out to be over $1000 per year, probably even $2000 or $3000. Think of what you or your family could do with that extra money. Step4
Definitely go see a doctor about some alternatives. Try the nicotine patches, the special gums, zyban, etc. Make sure you listen to your doctor and try different things. Step5
Develop hobbies to help take your mind off cigarettes. Write for eHow as it is addicting to watch those earnings rise. I would consider an eHow addiction to certainly be better than cigarette addiction. Step6
If you see someone lighting up nearby, get away from them or politely ask that person to smoke elsewhere. Don’t think that you can withstand the lure. Get away fast if you smell smoke. Step7
Finally, look at videos of people who have learned that they have cancer and will die. In particular, try to find the video of the late Yul Brynner. He made an anti-smoking commercial once he found out that he had cancer and had such a short time to live. The look in his eyes will tell you how awful he felt that his life was slipping away and there was nothing he could do.
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