Sunday, August 31, 2008

Six straightforward and easy steps to stop smoking

Step 1: Think About Quitting

According to a recent survey, around 15 million smokers try to quit smoking each day. However, less than 3% of these people stop smoking successfully for 3 to 12 months. If you’re thinking about quitting or have stopped smoking but failed to quit, don’t lose hope because smokers often try to quit more than once before they actually succeed.

In this section, you will learn about the history of cigarette smoking, facts about smoking, smoking cessation and benefits of quitting smoking. To give you a strong reason to quit smoking, this section will also tackle dangerous diseases – such as lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, etc – caused by smoking cigarettes. In addition, this section will explain the reasons why it is extremely hard to quit smoking, hurdles in quitting and possible nicotine withdrawal symptoms that you may encounter throughout this process.

Step 2: Effects of Smoking

Years of clinical studies have proven that using Tobacco causes people to become sick, disabled or die. Since the first Surgeon General’s Report in 1964, over 12 million smoking-related deaths have occurred. More than 500,000 deaths in the U.S are caused from smoking-related illnesses. Adult smokers reduce their lifespan by an average of 13 to 14 years.

In this section, you will learn about the dangerous effects and health risks of smoking. You will understand the facts about smoking addiction, the hazardous effects of smoking on a pregnant woman, on passive smokers, on your facial charm and on your teeth. You will also learn how stress could play a role in cigarette smoking. This section also deals with the effects on secondhand smoke, effects of smoking on vitamin A and C, dangerous effects of smoking on men and women, as well as the differences between cigar and pipe smoking.

Step 3: Preparing To Quit Smoking

The first key to quitting smoking successfully is planning and preparation. You need to prepare your body and mind before actually quitting. Determine your personal goals, discover your reasons for quitting and get rid of temptations that may become a hindrance to your stop smoking program. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit.

In this section, you will face the facts about nicotine addiction before your last stick of cigarette. You will learn the most effective steps to be followed when planning to quit smoking. You will also find out about the real reason why it is so hard to quit smoking. To help you plan your quit smoking program, you need to confront your personal reasons to start quitting and understand what you need to do stop smoking. This section also deals with the psychological recovery stages to stop smoking and provides helpful tips to quit smoking.

Step 4: Stop Smoking Tips

Even if you have no idea where to start and what to do, you can quit smoking as long as you have the mindset and commitment to do so. Stop smoking tips can help you create a good stop smoking plan and lifestyle changes that could lead to a healthier, smoke-free life.

In this section, you will learn some of the simplest ways and useful tips to quit smoking for good. You can choose from several psychological areas that can help you to stop smoking based on your lifestyle. This section also deals with stop smoking tips that will help your loved ones quit this deadly habit and tips on how to overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms using an effective stop smoking plan, attending support groups and establishing a smoking cessation program.

Step 5: Stop Smoking Aids

When smoking cigarettes has played a large part in your life, quitting smoking may not be that simple. Fortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved seven over-the-counter stop smoking aids – five of these help in managing nicotine withdrawal symptoms, while the other two help in reducing cigarette cravings.

In this section, you will learn about different proven stop smoking methods like Water Therapy, Psychological Therapy and Nicotine Replacement Therapy. This section also deals with other useful stop smoking aids such as nicotine nasal sprays, nicotine lozenges, nicotine inhalers, nicotine patches, nicotine gum and stop smoking pills.

Step 6: Stay a Quitter

After sometime, some quitters get back to their smoking habit due to temptation and persistent nicotine carving. Some may slip and puff “just one cigarette”, while others experience total relapse. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, smokers who quit are at greater risk of relapsing in the first three months of becoming smoke-free.

In this section, you will learn effective methods in avoiding nicotine carvings, while training how to control urges through breathing exercises. To understand what you are going to experience through this process, you need to learn and manage nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This section also tackles steps to manage weight gain, discusses FAQ on common frustrations of a quitter, handle traumatic events without a cigarette and other possible solutions for ex-smokers.

Stop Smoking Products highly recommends its readers to use the #1 Quit Smoking Product Nicocure - Read the Review Buy Nicocure

Some people may find it difficult to quit smoking without any aids or nicotine replacements. If you’re one of them, you still have hope because there are numerous stop smoking products available in the market today to make quitting an easier journey.

In this section, you will discover the quit smoking products available in the market today, reviews of each product and ranking of the top quit smoking products. To understand what each product can do for your body, the frequently asked questions section about ‘Quit Smoking’ Products can help you understand and choose an appropriate stop smoking product for your program.

Read our expert review on the Top Quit Smoking Product - Nicocure

Health Risks of Smoking

Smoking is one of the main causes of serious health diseases, such as cancer, stroke and heart problems. If you have no plans of quitting today, having knowledge of the different types of illnesses that you may experience through years of smoking may change your perception and lead you to stop smoking.

In this section, you will discover how smoking affects various parts of the body including the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, heart, skin, blood, etc. Here are some possible health effects of smoking:

  • Lung Cancer
  • Heart Diseases
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Bad Breath
  • Gum Disease
  • Depression
  • Snoring
  • Diabetes
  • Infertility on men and women
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Harmful effects on Bones and Joints

This section also includes tips for reducing the health risks of smoking like, heart attacks and blood pressure as well as risks involved in breastfeeding while smoking.

Quitting smoking saves money

There is a little recognized hole in the quitter's arsenal of strategies, which can sometimes defeat what is otherwise an excellent stop smoking plan. You need to be aware of the role of money in your smoking behavior if you want to leave it behind successfully.

A pack-a-day smoker, can expect to save a lot of money when quit. It appears that the price of cigarettes will continue to rise in coming years, as will the financial rewards of quitting. Logic says that when you stop smoking you will be financially much better off each year. Most likely you even not be able to get a salary raise that good. And you won't be paying any more tax on it than you are now!

Start a piggy bank with the money you save by not buying cigarettes. It is a way of giving yourself something - and we all like to receive a gift. And you have to fill it up every day, for as long as you have been smoking. It is money. If the money you save disappears into the black hole of household needs, you risk feeling missing cigarettes!

To improve your chances, plan to continue spending (or putting by) the same amount of money on yourself for at least a month from your stop date. Spend it on something tangible and pleasurable for yourself, so that when you see it and enjoy it you can acknowledge that this is what you are choosing to give yourself now.

Do it for your penis

Did you know that there's a valve in your penis that traps the blood inside so you can get an erection? That every time you smoke, this valve is damaged? That if you don't quit now, it might stop working altogether? You do know. Every cigarette you smoke causes fatty deposits that restrict the flow of blood to your penis. Less blood means less of an erection, and if you keep on smoking, things will only get worse. Does smoking make you hard? Not if it means you can't get it up.

Do you find smoking relaxing? Many men are now impotent because they smoked. It damages the blood vessels in your penis. Often, you won't even notice any of the damage until it's far too late. Worrying, isn't it. Still fancy a cigarette? If you won't give up smoking for your lungs, heart or throat, maybe you'll do it for your penis.

Game is over already for many smokers

Women smoke to be as elegant and classy as Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Men smoke to be wild and mysterious like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. During many years and still today there was kind of a social conditioning for smoking. Something everyone should do, if they ever wanted to be included in the "winners" side at the end of the game. Regretfully, the game is over already for many smokers that had to suffer the most common consequence of smoking, i.e., an early death.

According to the World Health Organization, tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death, and that the death toll caused by tobacco-related products is at nearly five million people a year. By the year 2020, the number of deaths will double to ten million a year if the current smoking patterns continue. Statistics indicate that despite a decline in the number of adults who smoke, more of children under the age of 18 start smoking each day.

When trying to quit smoking you will surely have irritability, anxiety, depression, cravings and many other symptoms, arising due to the addiction to nicotine. Nicotine meets both the psychological and physiological characteristics of what we call an addiction. And yes, no one denies it; quitting cigarette smoking can be a real nightmare for many people. Millions of people worldwide try to break the nicotine habit, but only 10 percent of them succeed. Will you succeed?

But I've always been a smoker

Many smokers tend to think of it that way. But, no, you have not always been a smoker. You were born as non-smoker. There was a time in your life, before you began smoking, when you didn't even think about lighting up. Please, give yourself the opportunity to be anything else. Many people view the future through their past, but you can take yourself from wherever you are right now to where you want to be.

As you think so you become. Instead of thinking about smoking or not smoking or instead of focusing on any problem or bad habit, why not turn your attention to your inner strength? If you cannot do it without assistance, then hypnosis and meditation are able to help you. Your desire to smoke or doing anything harmful to yourself will disappear! Thousand of people have done it and have gotten these results.

See yourself ten years from now as a smoker. Notice how your skin is yellowish, your breathing more difficult, your bank account is less impressive, thanks to all the money you've blown on cigarettes. Is that what you want to look forward to? Think about it. You are able to be smoke-free. It happened with millions ex-smokers. And you are able to stop smoking too.

Just quit smoking

What if you could make just one change to improve your health? The choice is plain - if you're a smoker, quit. That's easier said than done; though learn how you are able to achieve success. Check out products that can make it easier, as well as alternative approaches like meditation or hypnotism. Discover the dangers of secondhand smoke and how to protect your family and especially kids. And you should know that your body could recover fast after you do stop smoking.

Set a quit date. Pick a date within the next two weeks. If you smoke at work, quit on the weekend or on your day off. Keep yourself busy doing something useful and pleasant. Ride out your cravings; they will pass. Cut back on alcohol because it may intensify nicotine cravings. Avoid places where smoking is allowed and if your friends are smokers, ask them to join you in quitting permanently or to puff when you are not around. Ask people to bear with you if your mood changes. Ask your health provider for help with your quitting smoking because nicotine is very addictive and you need all help and support you can get. Get support from people, whether your family members or in a support group. There are many helpful quit smoking resources available online and by phone.

Quit now while you can because the older you get, the harder it is to quit. Get free of a stinky, nasty habit and get better skin color, increased energy, normal breath. Feel yourself in control instead of being controlled by cigarettes. Be able to taste food again. Get a chance to live longer. Just quit smoking.

Non-Nicotine Quit Smoking

Instead of using nicotine based therapies such as nicotine gums, patches or inhalers, there are other alternatives to help you quit smoking without the use of nicotine. Because nicotine is addictive, you will eventually still have to quit those therapies.

If you have tried to quit smoking, you know how hard it can be, because nicotine is a very addictive drug, as addictive as heroin or cocaine for many. Quitting is hard, and usually people make 4 tries, or more, before finally being able to quit. Quitting takes hard work and a lot of effort, but you can quit smoking.

There are many and various ways that people can use to quit smoking. Hundred of thousands maybe millions of people have succeeded in quitting the cigarettes. However, not all methods would be suitable for everyone. But there is only one way which can truly beat the cigarette habit, and that is to simply stop smoking. It is a wonderful concept, because it is so simple in statement, and yet many people find it incredibly difficult to successfully execute.

The most important aspect to quit smoking is to have willpower, determination and the genuine desire to stop for good. However, you will never know how much willpower you really have unless cravings and urge strikes. Willpower is derived from your will to quit smoking. Look for a strong intention to quit, and you will have the willpower automatically.

Nicotine patches, nicotine gum, herbal cigarettes and the like are all ineffective ways to quit cigarette smoking. Smoking is primarily a psychological addiction, and these remedies don't cure the psychological bond you have with cigarettes - they just strengthen it. It is important to break the psychological addiction to cigarettes, but if you are intent on quitting the cigarette habit, ensure you don't replace one dependency with another one.

Yes You Can Series

I certainly would not tell you to expect a relapse, but the fact is that one out of three people who are trying to quit experience relapses. This is something that happens within the first three months when one is trying to quit smoking.

Now if at all you experience a relapse understand that there is nothing to feel bad about. It is quite a natural phenomenon. But just because it happened, do not let it get the better f you.

All you have to do is start the quitting process all over again and believe me you will be stronger this time because you know what to look out for.

Remember these facts:

• Tobacco is the single largest cause of oral and lung cancer.

• Use of tobacco leads to conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men

Pregnant women/new mothers. If you continue to smoke you are increasing the chances of giving birth to a baby who has congenital disabilities and diseases. By quitting, you protect your baby’s health and your own.

• Hospitalized patients. By quitting, you reduce health problems and help healing.

• Heart attack patients. If you continue to smoke you are increasing your chances of a second heart attack.

Lung, head, and neck cancer patients. If you continue to smoke you increase your chances of a second cancer.

• Parents of children and adolescents. By smoking, you expose your children and adolescents to illnesses caused by second-hand smoke.

Well, so what are you waiting for? The choice is yours. There are so many things that you can do with this life of yours. And isn’t it a pity to waste it at the end of a cigarette. It is no wonder that George Bernard Shaw once said that a cigarette is a roll of paper that has fire at one end and a fool at the other.

I hope this guide will help you in your quest to STOP being the fool.

Now that You have Quit Smoking - You have a Choice

You realize with a shiver how close to death you were and you thank your lucky stars and the forces that formed you for giving you the will power to get over the addiction.

You are now free to start your life all again. And this time there will be no mistakes. Life is too precious a gift to waste it at the end of a cigarette.

Do not underestimate your self. You are perfectly capable of having a good time, or maybe I should say a wonderful time even without the help of any external stimulant. You can work as hard as you want and you can go through stressful situations; believe me your body can take it.

Understand that you do have a choice so choose wisely and live life to the fullest. Once you get over the habit you will realize how different conditions are than when you used t smoke.

You will realize how it feels to no longer be dependent on tobacco.

Ways to Quit Smoking

Stop Smoking - Techniques People Use

It seems like there are as many ways to quit smoking as there are smokers in the world. Yet many smokers have good intentions to stop smoking but just cannot seem to succeed.

Non-smokers who look at smokers as failures when they are unable to quit do not understand the situation. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug found in cigarettes, which the smoker needs and craves constantly.

Quitting an addiction is not even in the same class as, say, quitting biting your nails or popping your gum. It is difficult to quit smoking, and there are several main ways that most people seem to try.

The first way to quit smoking is to quit cold turkey. It is not known what a turkey has to do with it. To quit smoking cold turkey means to abruptly quit smoking cigarettes. Once the smoker quits smoking cold turkey, the goal is to never smoke another cigarette again.

No drugs or medical aids are used when a person quits smoking cigarettes cold turkey. Fierce willpower, and maybe someone the smoker can call when the urge gets too strong, is required to do this.

Some smokers use nicotine gums and patches to help them quit smoking. These nicotine patches replace the nicotine the smoker normally gets from the cigarette. The idea is to wean the smoker off of cigarettes by gradually using patches containing less nicotine.

It is far more difficult to quit smoking than non-smokers think. For reasons only they understand (and sometimes even they don’t), smokers have become addicted to the potent and dangerous drugs found in each cigarette.

Some experts suggest that these chemicals are as addictive, or more addictive, than many illegal drugs. But the effort to quit smoking is a healthy one, whichever method is chosen.

Once the body is free of cigarettes for a while, it begins repairing the damage of years or even decades of smoking. That’s why people who want to quit smoking should keep trying as many times as it takes to succeed.

Stop Smoking Tips

Three Top Struggles to Stop Smoking

Most people can readily agree that the idea to quit smoking is rather terrifying. Giving up the comfort that smoking can provide is not easy, nor can it be done instantly.

Struggling to quit requires a lot of honest talks, not only with yourself but also with your family. There are three major struggles that you will encounter as you are working to quit.

Being fully aware of these struggles will help you to create a plan to stop smoking for good that can help you to overcome these difficulties and emerge in better health as a non-smoker.

1. Struggle number one is going to find you looking temptation right in the eye. There is simply no other way to put it. Everywhere you look cigarettes and more cigarettes.

The number of people who smoke is astonishing, and when you are trying to stop smoking it seems like the number is quadrupling around you. While it is nothing more than your mind playing tricks on you, it can still be rather difficult to overlook all of the temptation and still stick to your plan to quit.

Anytime you find yourself overwhelmed by temptation you need to walk away. If you are at your job and cannot simply walk away, you need to develop a stress relieving strategy to fall back on which can help you to ignore the cigarettes that you see.

To really help you avoid temptation you need to work at finding a place where you can eat your lunch away from the smokers and other temptations. Always be on the lookout because they are around, and if you slip up they will be there to lure you back into smoking rather quickly.

2. Your second struggle will be all of the questions that you are asked. Your friends and family of course are happy for you that you are quitting smoking.

However, everyone is going to ask you why. This simple question starts to look like a huge issue after the third time you are asked why.

Rather than allowing this tiny question to start eating at your resolve you need to ensure you are dedicated to quitting. If you start second guessing your reason to quit each time someone asks you why you are quitting then you really need to sit down and have a long conversation with yourself.

Unless you are personally 100% behind your efforts, you will not succeed. You have to believe in the reason you are quitting smoking.

Your family will be there for you no matter what reason you choose. It is yourself that you have to convince, and this means that you need a good argument and reason. Nobody will ever argue with you as much as you will argue with yourself. When you are attempting something like quitting smoking the nagging side of yourself comes out strong as well.

3. A final consideration is looking at all of the products on the market to help you quit smoking. This might seem strange but this huge selection can be a big problem. You need to determine why you smoke in order to select the best product for your desire to quit.

If you are a smoker because of stress, you need to resolve the stress. If you smoke due to nicotine addiction then you should look into slowly pulling off of the nicotine using either a patch, or possibly the gum.

Regardless of the reason you smoke, there is a product that is designed to help you. Finding the best product for your specific needs is not impossible, but it will force you to be brutally honest with yourself.

If you are just completely unable to find the exact reason why you smoke try to start finding something else to do with your hands and mouth anytime you have the urge to smoke. For example, a stress ball and a piece of gum could be all you need.

If you are smoking because you are bored, giving yourself something to do, even just squeezing a stress ball might be the release that you need to walk away a successful non-smoker.

Tags: Stop Smoking Tips

Stop Smoking News

A Special Request

This site is dedicated to helping people stop smoking, but I have a special favor to ask you. It will only take a few seconds to vote for Glenda’s site, and if Glenda wins she will be paid to blog.

Glenda has cerebal palsy and types with only her left thumb! I know people with less of a disability than Glenda who have given up on life. Glenda is an inspiration and she has a message that could encourage many people.

Just go to this site: Help Glenda Hyatt and vote in the top right. If you want, you can even vote each day.

Let’s help Glenda get paid to blog.

Filed under Stop Smoking News, Stop Smoking Tips

Stop Smoking Aids

Stop Smoking Laser Treatments

That’s right. Now you’ve heard of everything, right? However, many people are quitting smoking using the stop smoking laser and they’re staying away from the disgusting habit for good. But how does the stop smoking laser work?

The stop smoking laser stimulates pressure points, preventing the craving for a cigarette. It also suppresses your appetite so that you don’t gain weight, which many people do when quitting smoking.

It also relaxes you so that you’re not on edge and completely stressed as many quitters are. If you’d like to know more, or you’d like to have laser therapy to quit smoking yourself, find a treatment center in your area and finally do what you can to put that pack down for good.

Treats The Symptoms

The stop smoking laser is a beam of light that is emitted in and through the skin. It affects the pressure points, not unlike an acupuncturist would.

These pressure points, once stimulated, give off certain effects. The first one you will notice is that you will no longer crave a cigarette.

That craving is gone, which is great news. Usually, it’s that constant craving that causes people to pick smoking back up once they’ve quit.

The second thing you’ll notice is that you don’t feel hungry. Typically, when people quit smoking they feel hungry all the time.

This could be because they want that oral stimulation, the feeling of always having that cigarette in your mouth, and for this reason many people gain weight.

The stop smoking laser ceases that hunger and it also increases your metabolism so that you don’t gain weight while trying to quit. And the third thing you’ll notice is that you’re very relaxed. Some people even fall asleep when they go through stop smoking laser treatment and that makes quitting smoking very easy.

Believe it will Work

For the stop smoking laser to be effective, you have to want to quit. You can’t expect to have a few laser treatments and then go to a bar and not have a craving to smoke.

You have to believe that the treatments will work. You have to think like a non smoker and you have to visualize yourself quitting forever. Smoking isn’t something you can do every now and again.

Before you know it, you’ll be hooked again. So keep up with your stop smoking laser treatments, believe that they’ll work and put down that disgusting habit for good.

Smoking and Alcohol Report

The Deadly Combination of Smoking and Alcohol

How to stop smoking is easier said than done. No one person, who’s able to get out of the habit, can ever say it was a walk in the park. Even the most determined souls would have to go through six attempts on average before they can say they are over the habit.

However, smokers and alcoholics are not facing a hopeless and fierce battle. It’s a matter of asking oneself, “Do I really want to get out of the habit?” As long as the will is there, a smoker and alcoholic will find his/her way out of the labyrinth called smoking.

Smokers and alcoholics in general should never attempt abrupt cessation. Since the body has gotten familiarity of both substances, attempting to stop instantly can lead to withdrawal, which can be as deadly.

Due to the impact of alcohol and smoking on people’s health and a nation’s economy, the battle is no longer left to the sufferers themselves. Many government and private institutions are currently helping individuals who want to put a stop to the addiction while more studies are on their way to published journals in order to emphasize the negative impacts of smoking and alcohol.

Smoking and alcohol are perhaps two of the most destructive habits a person can develop. It usually is born out of curiosity. Oftentimes, you can hear smokers deeply regretting why they had to have that first puff that’s causing them a lifetime of debilitating consequence. Smoking and alcoholism can be stopped. It’s never easy but the habit can be unlearned and you can stop smoking.

Reasons Why to Quit Smoking

Fives Good Reasons to Quit Smoking Now

The idea to stop smoking might seem really great, but what are you actually going to get out of the process? For many people there are some benefits that are immediately obvious.

Of course, your clothes and house will smell a lot better. If you have been a car smoker, your car will start to smell better as well.

However, if you dive beyond these shallow reasons, what can you really expect to gain by quitting? The issues of money and even your health are far greater than any minor smells that cigarettes can give off.

One of the biggest benefits is the savings of money. Consider that a one pack a day habit can easily rack up a bill of $35 a week, $150 a month and finally $1,825 in a year.

This adds up to an enormous amount that is really hard to play down. It is important to be really honest with yourself about how much your cigarettes are costing you, if you are attempting to slash your budget, quitting smoking can go a very long way towards freeing up a lot of money.

While the money is obviously nice to save, there are huge benefits to your health as well. For example, research tells us that as little as 20 minutes after you stop smoking you will be able to see a difference in your health.

If you consider that quitting smoking can help you reduce your risk of heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, lung cancer, and even breathing complications you have just located a plethora of reasons why smoking really is good to avoid.

The research that tells us smoking is bad has proven that just a short period of time after quitting is able to reverse many of the harmful effects that cigarettes have caused, no matter how long you have been a smoker.

For example, if you quit smoking for a period of 5 years, you are no more at risk of a stroke than someone who has been a non-smoker for their entire life. This is huge considering that those who smoke are considered at least twice as likely to suffer a stroke.

Additionally, if you quit for 15 years, you can enjoy the same risk of coronary heart disease as a non-smoker as well. While it might seem strange to enjoy the risk for coronary heart disease, it is much better than actually having coronary heart disease. Taking these small victories for your health is important since you will be able to significantly improve your quality of life.

Working to decide which benefits are the most motivation for you is not always easy. You need to look at your lifestyle and determine what truly matters for you.

Not everyone is concerned about the health benefits. If you find yourself more concerned with the money then focus on what you can save. If you are more determined to improve your health then focus your efforts on the health benefits that stopping smoking for good can really have for you.

Ultimately, the reason you choose to quit smoking is up to you, the way you do it will be based around your particular personality and smoking habits. Knowing what your motivating factors are can go a long way towards boosting willpower though, which is always a helpful benefit no matter why you try to quit.

Painless Way to Quit Smoking series

It’s true that learning some relaxation techniques can help you stop smoking. It can help you stop many bad habits.

Relaxation takes time and mastery. You will gradually master it, relaxing by occasionally taking three deep breaths, counting to yourself as you inhale, “One . . . two . . . three . . . four . . . five . . . six.”

Next, exhale, relaxing more, “One . . . two . . . three.”

Focus on your hand, your arm, your elbow, your shoulder, all the way through and up and down again. Feel it getting heavy, limp and relaxed, so that you cannot move them around anymore, even if you tried.

Use the dynamics of relaxation to master these much needed steps to RELAX!

Legs and neck can also benefit from these exercises and routines.
Some problems and symptoms of the ‘tensed up state’ that makes people reach out for the ‘relief’ that smoking offers, however false or temporary!

- muscles in readiness
- muscles are overextended
- exhaustion, fatigue
- signaling pain
- seeking release and relief
- an alert to the conscious mind to relax
- lack of sleep and relaxation
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Tension
- Lack of concentration – inability to relax your own muscles
- Even spasms
By relaxing you release the tension and anxiety, are able to feel rested and increase your energy level, and fight the temptation to smoke. It might not make complete sense for our logical minds, but it works. It really does help anyone to quit smoking.

Tags: Painless Way to Quit Smoking series, Stop Smoking Tips

Don't Start Smoking

Want to send a message about cigarettes by creating t-shirts that proclaims to the world that smoking is bad for a person’s health? What a great way to let everyone know that you think smoking is a bad habit to start.

What if you were to design your own t-shirts that had a list of five reasons not to smoke? Or how about putting a big cigarette with an X through it? People would get the message.

There is a site on the Internet that allows you to create your own custom t-shirts. They offer full color printing directly to the shirt. And you don’t have to order a bunch. You can order one if that is all you need.

But why not order several and hand them out to other people who feel the same way you do about smoking?

Right now you can save 20% on any order by using the coupon code “sonic20.” This sale lasts until the end of May so you have plenty of time to come up with your personalized t-shirts, just in time for summer.

Maybe you have a friend who is celebrating a birthday. One year my sister put a picture on a t-shirt of my husband holding our son and gave it to my son for his fourth birthday. It was his favorite shirt for a number of years. We kept it for a keepsake after our son outgrew it.

There are so many things you can put on a t-shirt, but I really think it would be great to design a t-shirt that warns people about the dangers of smoking. is the site where you can order any design you want on any t-shirts. They were generous enough to sponsor this web site to help me continue to provide information, tips and advice to help people stop smoking, and to encourage non-smokers not to start. I hope you will check them out. And remember to use the coupon code sonic20 to get 20% off your order